Wednesday, December 9, 2009


WELL, as a massage therapist, you would think that relaxation is something that I would excel at. You would be sorely mistaken. I can't relax. I don't know how. Even when I think I'm relaxed, there's at least one major part of me (muscles, organs, brain, etc.) that is not relaxed. Exhibit 'A' - my dining room table in it's current state...

That's right - MORE baby leg warmers. But in my defense, they're for other people... The fur-topped ones and the unfinished stack are for Maddie, and the finished stack are for my on-line friend Whitney... and the felt is for Lily Ruth's Christmas stocking... and the gold dragon iron-on, well, let's face it - even if I put it on a piece of Lily's clothing, that's really for me ;-)

As a parent, this is inability to let go is one of the major things that I would have liked to NOT pass on to my child. Sure, I hoped that she would get my brains, my compassion, my superior ass... but not this tense, over-wound craziness. Alas, she's already right there with me. She'll be glassy-eyed and ready for bed, but her toes are curled into half moons of anxiety. Case in point - yesterday. She was not in a napping state of mind, yet she was exhausted. I nursed her and laid her next to me for a final try at resting for the day. Here's how it went:

Flop onto back, head swivels wildly, attempts at eye contact with Mama are made, raspberries are blown. No luck getting attention? Flip onto belly, up onto all fours, rock back & forth a few times, lunge at Mama's face (connecting soundly with her elbow instead), cry pathetically, suck thumb for 3 seconds, slap at Mama's face, pause. Flop onto back, grab at Mama's hair, pull her face into yours and bite her nose REALLY HARD, retain hold on her hair even when rebuked, cry, suck thumb for 3 seconds. Grasp wildly for any free object, connect with leg warmer you pulled off 5 minutes ago, wave it about as though signaling for rescue after a shipwreck, hit Mama's face a few times, fling leg warmer off the bed. Flop onto belly, onto all fours, rock back & forth a few times, lunge onto Daddy's pillow, whine/cry as though your heart is breaking while sucking your thumb, stick a few fingers into Mama's nose/mouth, kick Mama in the belly, and wait for result... lather, rinse, repeat...

Seriously, this went on for a solid hour. I was torn between exhaustion, irritation and hysterical laughter. She actually has really good comic timing! When her hour's attempt at a nap was up, this is all I had to show for it...

In case you were wondering, yes, that is her other leg warmer and her washcloth at her side. Both served their turns as rescue signal flags.

Oh well. We're just taking it day by day, and some days are harder than others. Yesterday was hard (but good). Today was just good.

Oh, I promised you my wreath results! I'm not pleased with the pictures, but I lOVE the wreath. The tutorial is here. It may take a while to load - his blog is very popular... for good reason!

I LOVE CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS!!!! Lily Ruth likes to flop around on my lap and play 'Nursing? Not Nursing.' while staring at the tree. Memories...

Good night, Precious Angel Baby, Mama loves you!