I feel MUCH better now. Possibly the best I've felt in over a month. Now I just need a nap...
Lily Ruth and I ventured up to New Braunfels to see a good friend. It's only 30 minutes away, yet we never seem to make it up there. Before I had a baby, I went up to New Braunfels once a week in the summer to go tubing down the Comal River. *sigh* It has now been close to two years since I've plopped my butt into a tube and floated my cares away. Maybe next year Miss Lily will be old enough for a life vest and her own tube.
The friend that we went to visit always makes me want to be a better grown up. She has a great house (old, comfy, furnished, painted...), a garden, and always serves beautiful food that looks effortless. We had quiche for lunch. It has not occurred to me to make a quiche in AGES, yet I love quiche. I feel calm and more like myself when I'm around her. She is one of the first friends that I made that I wanted to model myself after. Twenty years later, that still holds true. She also sent me home with herbs that we clipped from her plants as we walked out the door:
There's Rosemary, Thyme, Lavender, Thai Basil, regualr Basil and Chives :-) She also gave me eggs fresh from her chickens:
That's not a trick of the light, they really are beige and pale aqua! My Mama tells me that you know what color eggs a chicken will lay by the color of their 'ears' (the membrane over their ear openings).
Lily Ruth is starting to figure out crayons! She is obsessed with pens and markers, but is just as happy to walk around holding them and running them through her hair while their lids are on. This was the first time she focused long enough to put anything to paper:
I know - toooooo cute!
Oh, I mailed my Dress Up Skirts off to Samster Mommy! I managed to include a rambling hand written letter that will surely convince her that I am crazy. Good Times.
I think that's all for now. It should come as no surprise that I have forgotten anything else that i intended to add. I really do need that nap.
Yay for grandmas!